- I S T A N B U L -
S t r e e t P h o t o g r a p h y

And here it comes again. This so called nostalgia. A cloud of smoke that surrounds me and in which I dive with no regrets.
It was one month that felt like a lifetime. Istanbul is one of those magic cities that my wandering mind keeps revisiting. And so I keep this hope that my physical body will also do the same one day.
We were in the beginning of 2015, and for 2 months travelling in the sunny south coast of Turkey. For almost 2 weeks, we got our thumbs up and calmly hitchhiked to Istanbul, stopping where we wanted, sleeping here and there in little villages, making friends, humans and animals, drawing adventures and letting life unfold like a strange poem that rhymes without intention. It was night, and we still had about 200 kilometers in front of us. A friend waited in the big city, and we entered a truck for one of the scariest rides of our lives. We arrived well, and our bed and roof was located in Kadiköy.
Big city life. I admit - I missed silence, I missed trees, I missed being close to Nature mostly. Like always, I was seeking peace and tranquility. Like usual, I was seeking it where it lacks. I found it in the Bosphorus dark waters, crossing the milion lights reflections on the cold night ferryboat, from Asia to Europe and back, holding a hot Salep that would fill me with the comfort of a fire in each zip; I found it in this language of them, that still whispers in my ears sometimes, and I got them blues again, oh I got them Istanblues again.
The desire to go back is normaly replaced by the logic that "the first joy can never be recovered, and the wise traveler learns not to repeat sucesses, but tries new places all the time" (Paul Fussel). The world is big and life is short. But then I wake up again, somewhere else, and I'm a lucky dweller as I prepare my morning toast and mix the honey and the tahin, here it is again. And last night at 3am I found a Tunisian friend I met two years ago in Istanbul, walking a random French street in the lands of Catalunya, nobody, dark and damp, and there we found ourselves, "NO WAY !!!" and the world is small again. Thanks to this friend and this misty encounter I'm now writing this text, going back to these pictures, and back to grabbing my camera and going out of that door to capture something beautiful never seen before, never to be seen again.
It was one month that felt like a lifetime. Istanbul is one of those magic cities that my wandering mind keeps revisiting. And so I keep this hope that my physical body will also do the same one day.
We were in the beginning of 2015, and for 2 months travelling in the sunny south coast of Turkey. For almost 2 weeks, we got our thumbs up and calmly hitchhiked to Istanbul, stopping where we wanted, sleeping here and there in little villages, making friends, humans and animals, drawing adventures and letting life unfold like a strange poem that rhymes without intention. It was night, and we still had about 200 kilometers in front of us. A friend waited in the big city, and we entered a truck for one of the scariest rides of our lives. We arrived well, and our bed and roof was located in Kadiköy.
Big city life. I admit - I missed silence, I missed trees, I missed being close to Nature mostly. Like always, I was seeking peace and tranquility. Like usual, I was seeking it where it lacks. I found it in the Bosphorus dark waters, crossing the milion lights reflections on the cold night ferryboat, from Asia to Europe and back, holding a hot Salep that would fill me with the comfort of a fire in each zip; I found it in this language of them, that still whispers in my ears sometimes, and I got them blues again, oh I got them Istanblues again.
The desire to go back is normaly replaced by the logic that "the first joy can never be recovered, and the wise traveler learns not to repeat sucesses, but tries new places all the time" (Paul Fussel). The world is big and life is short. But then I wake up again, somewhere else, and I'm a lucky dweller as I prepare my morning toast and mix the honey and the tahin, here it is again. And last night at 3am I found a Tunisian friend I met two years ago in Istanbul, walking a random French street in the lands of Catalunya, nobody, dark and damp, and there we found ourselves, "NO WAY !!!" and the world is small again. Thanks to this friend and this misty encounter I'm now writing this text, going back to these pictures, and back to grabbing my camera and going out of that door to capture something beautiful never seen before, never to be seen again.

photos and text by:
Oliveira de Carvalho ©
photographer // videographer
open for submissions and suggestions
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