- M O N T P E L L I E R -
S t r e e t P h o t o g r a p h y
Le Cinéma Royal Occupé

In Montpellier there is an old cinema that got occupied after it stopped its usual activity. Nowadays, action restarted, but of a more vast kind, including all types of arts and shared knowledge, open discussions, concerts, workshops, etc... It's been almost a year of squatting, and it became a home for many, including woman and chidren, and a strong cultural center for much more.
Last 28th of February 2017, this issue went to the Justice Palace, the court, so that the legality of the occupation could be averiguated. At least 200 people reunited in the door to show their love to this cinema. It became the roof for some people that have problems to pay a rent, and a symbol of culture in Montpellier. For that, I want to show my support to this place and the ones who profit from it.

photos and text by:
Oliveira de Carvalho ©
photographer // videographer
open for submissions and suggestions
+33 6 48 60 53 53