I am part of the VOND Clothing ® project. This photos and videos were mostly taken by me, but not all of them. Everything here is a result of my collaboration with two of my best friends. To them I dedicate all the great times we had together before, during and after VOND.
photos and videos for the VOND Clothing ® project.
Born in 1990. Started in 2012.

Something about 5 years ago I started a great adventure with two of my best friends.
We called it VOND.
Portugal was going through a big economic crisis, and everybody was afraid to start something new. People were grabbing to their money, closing their wallets, but worst than that, they were closing their minds and canceling their dreams. We didn't have money to invest, but time and love for an idea. We believed it.

Starting from zero, we created a strong brand image and identity. We had no official administrative structure, so we all did everything together, from the website and the social media to the human connections, specialy with street artists and extreme sports athletes, who we got to support the best we could. We managed to produce 5 collections, always improving our material and our communication. We sold mostly online, but we even got to the shelters of some shops in the north of Portugal. Everything we did was done in a most professional way and we all learned a lot.

Naturaly, I got strongely absorbed by the photography and video work and this adventure got me even more thrilled to travel the world, shooting photos, not guns, and keep on with VOND's main message: SPREAD THE LOVE *